The PURPOSE of the Destiny Assessment is to discover the path you are on and if there are an unwanted attractions happening that keep repeating and creating the direction of our daily life. We will look at what is important to you, what are the actions necessary to create a path in the direction you need so as to thrive and what needs to be released or let go of that is an obstacle to what is important to you in your lifes direction.
The Unconsidered Choice Is Yours.
At Linda Hamilton's Destiny Training, you will sit in the drivers seat of your future. You will gain a clear and deep understanding of how to take your life and go forward, you will take control of the forces that drive you. Linda's strategies are powerful, proven and transformative. Using these strategies, you will begin making your time valuable beyond measure. Your life, work, finances, health and relationships will be the reality you choose. You've never experienced a driving force like this.
Consider the Unconsidered Choice and let's move forward.
The Objectives or Goals of this training are to enter the present moment, take charge of the mind and choose the direction and actions of your desired destiny.
Join Linda and others in this transformative training on Friday, June 12th. 2015 from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
ATTENTION: Call Tina @ 828-225-2535
The Unconsidered Choice Is Yours.At Linda Hamilton's Destiny Training, you will sit in the drivers seat of your future. You will gain a clear and deep understanding of how to take your life and go forward, you will take control of the forces that drive you. Linda's strategies are powerful, proven and transformative. Using these strategies, you will begin making your time valuable beyond measure. Your life, work, finances, health and relationships will be the reality you choose. You've never experienced a driving force like this.